- American Eye - https://staging.americaneyewdc.net -


More than 40 years ago, Allan Palecek began traveling the world seeking inspiration in a centuries-old tradition of basket-weaving from the indigenous peoples of Asia. Impressed with their use of quickly renewable materials like seagrass and rattan, he returned with a unique, attractive product that gained immediate attention by the home décor industry. The expertly woven baskets drew steady admirers, which grew into loyal customers, and an expanding product line. With a developed network of master artisans, the desire to mix an international palette of natural fibers and fast-growing hardwoods into elegant furniture, lighting and accessories made the Palecek company a trendsetter and pioneer in the industry.

American Eye Inventory

thumbnail of Almario Side Chair [4]thumbnail of Francisco Lounge Chair [5]thumbnail of Hancock Lounge Chair [6]thumbnail of Loretta Side Table [7]thumbnail of Savannah Nesting Tables, Set of Two [8]